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Welcome to the Supplemental Program

Through the Gwinnett Online Campus Supplemental Program, students enrolled at a local high school may take up to five courses as part of their regular school schedule without paying a fee. Students may also choose  to pay tuition and take additional courses after school or during the summer— to get ahead or make room in their schedule for electives. GOC offers more than 175 online courses and delivers over 5,800 segments through the Supplemental Program each year.

Spring 2025 Semester 2 Registration is NOW OPEN!

2024-2025 Important Dates

High School Dates

HS Supp Dates

Middle School Dates

MS Supp Dates


Two Ways to Take Supplemental Courses

FTE or Tuition?

Supplemental students in grades 6 -12 may take up to five courses online in one of two ways: FTE or Tuition. Gwinnett Online Campus serves over 7,500 GCPS students each year through the Supplemental Program; therefore, students enrolled in the Supplemental Program are NOT eligible to participate in Gwinnett Online Campus's extracurricular events.


Online courses are offered as part of the student's regular school schedule. Students must meet with their school counselor (high school) or grade level administrator (middle school) to register for an FTE course and are not allowed to drop these courses. The number of classes a student is allowed to take online as a FTE student varies by school. Students are responsible for contacting their counselor for more information. More information can be found in the GCPS Parent/Student Handbook page 27.


Students may take courses outside their normal school day. These courses are offered on a for-fee tuition basis. We recommend that students take no more than one course per session outside of their regular school day. Parents may register students for a supplemental course(s) through the My Payments Plus platform. The tuition for each .05 credit course costs $250. Students’ local high school counselors must approve all classes before students will have access to GOC courses.

How Can the Supplemental Program Help You?

Meet Christa Campbell. In the video below, Christa shares how the Supplemental Program helps her to meet her educational goals.