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General Information

Students taking an online math class should expect to have work assigned on a daily basis (Monday through Friday). All work must be completed by midnight on the date it is listed on the topic guide. Access to all online courses is available 24/7 and students may work ahead in their assignments. Late work is not accepted unless the student has a documented emergency or an excused absence. On average students should expect to spend 60-90 minutes per day during a semester, 120-150 minutes per day while taking a block course during a semester, and 240 minutes per day during a summer semester working in their course.

Extra Help

Your teacher is your first point of contact when you need additional assistance. Instructors will hold at least one virtual help session prior to every unit test. This will be posted in your course in the news widget. Weekly face-to-face help sessions on campus are also available for full-time students. Please check your course or ask your teacher for dates and times.

Materials Pickup Information

A graphing calculator is helpful for all high school students enrolled in a math course. GOC does not provide calculators to individual students, but we do rent graphing calculators on a first come, first served basis. Check with your math teacher for rental details. AP Calculus requires a textbook that students should pick up from our campus on the day posted for Materials Pickup.

AP Course Offerings

Department Chair